

Sunday School

Each of our Sunday School classes are designed to encourage people to become more involved in worship, Bible study, evangelism and fellowship.


The “Exciting” Singing Hills Baptist Church Women’s ministries assist in the development of strong Christian Women by mobilizing, equipping, and involving every woman so that she can share Christ with those who do not know Him, strengthen those who do, and minister to as many people as possible in the church, community, and throughout the world.


The “Exciting” Singing Hills Baptist Church Men’s ministries exist to worship and glorify God; to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ; to carry out the evangelism mandate of Matthew 28:19-20; and to minister unselfishly to all men in our church, community and throughout the world.


Seasoned Vessels Ministry (55+)Ministry Director – Sis.


Children & Youth Children’s Minister – Dr. Goldenstene Davis, Sr Youth Minister – Dr. Goldenstene Davis, Sr. We value our Preschoolers!


SHBC Scholarship Fund Ministry Leader - Charlotte Lester Established to bless our college and trade school-bound members.


Children & Youth Children’s Minister – Dr. Goldenstene Davis, Sr Youth Minister – Dr. Goldenstene Davis, Sr. We value our Preschoolers!


Veterans Crisis Line The Veterans Crisis Line connects Veterans in crisis and their families and friends with qualified, caring Department of Veterans Affairs responders through a confidential toll-free hotline, online chat, or text.